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Vehicle ID# 215
1951 M-38
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Owner Information
Owner: Bob Seifert
Email Address: seifertbob@hotmail.com
Location: Pelican Rapids, MN

Vehicle Description: Awaiting rebirth. I am rebuilding an F-134 and a T-98 (factory adapters, input shaft and bearing retainer) to put in it. Just about everything else on it will be returned to original equipment including a 24 volt electrical system.

Vehicle Information
Model: 1951 M-38
Vehicle Serial #: MC-27530
Engine Serial #: MD-15242
Purchase Price: $500.00
Current Est. Value: $500.00
Purchased Condition: 3/10
Current Condition: 3/10
Location Purchased: Missouri

Vehicle Story: I purchased this M-38 in the fall of 2002. It came complete with a Ford straight six, extended grill (to make room for the engine), modified suspension (to make room for the engine) and axles and springs from an MB. Other than that, the body and frame are in fair condition and I´m collecting the pieces and parts needed to return it to near original condition.

Vehicle Viewed 1643 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 08/12/2003 
Vehicle Registration Last Updated: 12/22/2003 

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