Owner Information |
Owner: |
Philippe Rogiers |
Email Address: |
progiers@rogiers.be |
Web Site: |
http://www.rogiers.be |
Phone Number: |
0032/56601345 |
Location: |
H.Lebbestraat 150
Waregem, West Vlaanderen
Vehicle Description: The Jeep has a MB frame and a Ford body(complete,rare in Europe), I guess a mixed up in the war after a repair.It´s is NOT a Hotchkis, it was found in Italy in 1995 and the story tells that the Jeep was in service in Tunis in 1943 and entered Italy (Anzio)by the southern invasion of Europe.The Jeep is now ready after 2 years work to hit the road in Belgium.The owner Mister Rogiers is a great collector of oldtimers and the Jeep could not stay away from his collection. Mister Rogiers is also famous about woodworking machinery en aluminium: http://www.rogiers.be
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1942 GPW |
Vehicle Serial #: |
MB 177325 |
Purchase Price: |
$2,000.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$15,000.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
3/10 |
Current Condition: |
9/10 |
Location Purchased: |
Italy |