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Vehicle ID# 398
1951 M-38
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Owner Information
Owner: Jason Pardoe
Email Address: jason@jasonpardoe.com
Web Site: http://www.jasonpardoe.com
Location: North, MS

Vehicle Description: Very rough M38. My intenion is to restore it to very historically correct motor pool condition.

Vehicle Information
Model: 1951 M-38
Vehicle Serial #: MC30851
Engine Serial #: MC44089
Purchase Price: $50.00
Current Est. Value: $500.00
Purchased Condition: 2/10
Current Condition: 1/10
Location Purchased: North Mississippi

Vehicle Story: A friend acquired it from a friend for $50 to part out for a CJ2A project. He passed on the bargain to me. Prior to that all I know is that the previous owner used the vehicle at hunting camp until the engine seized. He brought it home and assigned his teenage son to start restoring it. He started and luckily stopped before he got into the engine.

Vehicle Viewed 1668 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 05/02/2004 

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