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Vehicle ID# 482
1957 CJ-5
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Owner Information
Owner: Dan Sadler
Email Address: dan@northstargc.net
Web Site: www.northstargc.net
Phone Number: 530-979-7575
Location: Davis, Ca

Vehicle Description: 1957 CJ5 re-vamp in process, chevy 305, sm420, dana 18,

Vehicle Information
Model: 1957 CJ-5
Vehicle Serial #: 59803102906
Purchase Price: $3,000.00
Current Est. Value: $0.00
Purchased Condition: 5/10
Current Condition: 5/10
Location Purchased: Dixon, Ca

Vehicle Story: Lived in Ventura Ca ´till 1994 when its owner passed away. It was inherited and lay to rest in a barn ´till 2003 when I discovered it and began the project. Very clean for its age, some rust in the floor that is being fixed right now so that we can start re-assembling.

Vehicle Viewed 1882 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 10/23/2004 

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