Owner Information |
Owner: |
Randy Culp |
Age: |
79 |
Email Address: |
Randy.culp@mail.atu.edu |
Phone Number: |
(479) 890-7274 |
Location: |
50 Longcole Place
Russellville, Arkansas
Vehicle Description: Late 1950 Station Wagon 2wd
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1950 Station Wagon |
Vehicle Serial #: |
473 - 18xxx |
Purchase Price: |
$200.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$0.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
2/10 |
Current Condition: |
2/10 |
Location Purchased: |
arkansas |
Options: |
Overdrive |
Vehicle Story: Bought this a few days ago for several parts to use in restoring my ´51. Found it only 3 miles from my home. Previous owner was planning to send it to the crusher. The engine (an incorrect L-134)is a basket case but the body and a lot of parts are good. I plan to strip it and offer the body cheap on Willystech in the near future. These old willys are really scarce in this state so I was fortunate to find just what I needed to restore my ´51 "Texaco" wagon. Oh yes, don´t take grandkids on willys shopping trips! She told Nanna "He bought another Jeep". I thought we agreed to keep it to ourselves but kids always tell!