Owner Information |
Owner: |
Jack |
Age: |
84 |
Email Address: |
my50willys@aol.com |
Location: |
Beavercreek, OR
Vehicle Description: 100% Stock, frame-off Restoration with all available options installed.
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1950 Station Wagon |
Vehicle Serial #: |
4-63 110892 |
Purchase Price: |
$400.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$25,000.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
2/10 |
Current Condition: |
10/10 |
Location Purchased: |
Medford, OR |
Options: |
Overdrive |
Vehicle Story: Found in "wrecking yard" condition. Passionately restored in just 4 months for "Hot August Nights" 2001. A true gem that has won awards at every showing.