Owner Information |
Owner: |
Randall Johnstun |
Email Address: |
JOHNSTUN55@msn.com |
Phone Number: |
503-556-0782 |
Location: |
Rainier, Oregon
Vehicle Description: Unrestored not running, but pretty much complete. Has been sitting in storage for 25 years.
View Randall Johnstun's other vehicles: |
1967 CJ-5 |
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1947 Station Wagon |
Vehicle Serial #: |
Unknown |
Engine Serial #: |
Unknown |
Purchase Price: |
$600.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$0.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
5/10 |
Current Condition: |
5/10 |
Location Purchased: |
Southern California Desert |
Options: |
Overdrive |
Vehicle Story: The first owner bought the wagon in southern Calif. and never had it titled or licensed for the road. He used it on his property with a trip to town now and then. A friend of mine traded for the wagon with hopes to make a streetrod out of it. Then along comes me and I trade him some labor on another streetrod project for the Jeep. The original owner took the wagon off the road in the late 70´s to restore it but he died in 1980. He did manage to rebuild the engine, trans, the overdrive, the brakes,the rearend, the driveline, and most of the front suspension. He also used silicone brake fluid so the brakes still work like new. Its in alot better shape than I could have hoped for, for being almost free.