Owner Information |
Owner: |
Paul Zottoli |
Email Address: |
valz@verizon.net |
Phone Number: |
978-464-2910 |
Location: |
P.O. Box 45
Princeton, MA
Vehicle Description: red / white insert frame up restoration on rust free oklahoma car. 6 cylinder with overdrive transmission. excellent condition.
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1950 Jeepster |
Vehicle Serial #: |
11495 |
Purchase Price: |
$10,000.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$14,000.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
9/10 |
Current Condition: |
9/10 |
Location Purchased: |
Stillwater, Oklahoma |
Options: |
Overdrive |
Vehicle Story: Jeepster was owned by Richard Mcintire of Stillwater, OK. Restored in 1970 and stored unused until June 2000. Have all side curtains, boot, and spare tire cover.