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Vehicle ID# 719
1959 CJ-5
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Owner Information
Owner: Joe Williams
Email Address: lowriding92@yahoo.com
Location: Strong, Ar.

Vehicle Description: original body, new soft top. Homemade winch bumper and warn 8000. I´m running a set of 33 inch super swampers tsl. 4 cyl motor has been rebuilt. 355 gears, and 3 speed transmission. Great truck. Everything runs good, except brakes which I very much dislike. E-mail me for any additional information.

Vehicle Information
Model: 1959 CJ-5
Purchase Price: $1,500.00
Current Est. Value: $1,500.00
Purchased Condition: 6/10
Current Condition: 6/10
Location Purchased: Huttig, AR.

Vehicle Story: I found out that my friends girlfriend was scared to ride in the jeep for fear of falling out, so I asked him to trade me the jeep for my Honda 400ex and he accepted and we are both happy with the deals we got.

Vehicle Viewed 993 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 10/17/2005 

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