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Vehicle ID# 786
1955 CJ-5
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Owner Information
Owner: cody boudoin
Email Address: codeman695@hotmail.com
Location: 1402 tarleton st
jeanerette, LA 70544

Vehicle Description: powerful PTO wench
31" super swamper tsl´s
runs great!

Vehicle Information
Model: 1955 CJ-5
Purchase Price: $0.00
Current Est. Value: $0.00
Purchased Condition: 7/10
Current Condition: 9/10
Location Purchased: jeanerette, LA

Vehicle Story: we bought it from a man named keith kern and he also has a picture of it on this website.
from what i know the jeep it has benn kept up over the years!

Vehicle Viewed 1044 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 12/20/2005 

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