Owner Information |
Owner: |
Barry Evans |
Age: |
58 |
Email Address: |
barry@casshomes.ca |
Web Site: |
http://www.casshomes.ca |
Phone Number: |
819-564-1750 |
Location: |
21 Ch. St-Felix de Kingsey
Danville, Quebec
J0A 1A0
Vehicle Description: A great, all original vehicle. We use this great little Jeepter almost every day during the summer months!
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1948 Jeepster |
Vehicle Serial #: |
463 84707 |
Purchase Price: |
$0.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$0.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
7/10 |
Current Condition: |
8/10 |
Location Purchased: |
Sumerset Mass |
Options: |
Overdrive |
Vehicle Story: Purchased form a gentleman in Sumerset Mass. This genleman inherited the vehicle from his father-in-law upon his death.