Owner Information |
Owner: |
Kent Hoch |
Age: |
55 |
Email Address: |
kpmarx@cox.net |
Location: |
Valley Center, Kansas
Vehicle Description: 1954 Willys CJ3B
Vehicle Information |
Model: |
1954 CJ-3b |
Vehicle Serial #: |
454GB2 |
Engine Serial #: |
? |
Purchase Price: |
$500.00 |
Current Est. Value: |
$3,000.00 |
Purchased Condition: |
2/10 |
Current Condition: |
7/10 |
Location Purchased: |
Haysville Kansas |
Vehicle Story: Jeep was bought new by White Water resort in Almont Colorado for giving jeep tours and hunting trips. My parents has stayed at that resort since 1962. I used to play around it when I was a kid. My uncle bought it in 1976 and returned to Colorado with it every summer for 19 yrs. His health failed and jeep sat for about 10 to 15yrs before my son age 5 and I bought it last fall.Has only approx, 50,000 miles and only 10,000 on motor. Hard top has been on it since new. body is sure rusted. Now has good home in the garage and gets driven every weekend. Little jeep wil return to the resort this summer for a week of 4 wheeling. Jeep is now getting all the body work done and will be painted the original dark green and top will be painted siver. When done we will post new pics. Jeep is now almost done. If any one would like some pics of it all fixed up just e-mail us and we will send some pics. Thanks Kent.