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Vehicle ID# 946
1958 Pickup
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Owner Information
Owner: Jay Bernhardt
Phone Number: 12087557581
Location: Kellogg, Idaho

Vehicle Description: 58 flat bed

View Jay Bernhardt's other vehicles:
   1960 Pickup
   1962 Station Wagon

Vehicle Information
Model: 1958 Pickup
Purchase Price: $100.00
Current Est. Value: $1,000.00
Purchased Condition: 2/10
Current Condition: 2/10
Location Purchased: North Idaho

Vehicle Story: Finally bought from a friend after years of trying to get rid of it. Sat in the woods of North Idah for 10 years. Maybe 10 more before I get to the restoration.

Vehicle Viewed 1540 Times 
Vehicle Registration Created: 01/01/2016 

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